Monday, April 12, 2010


Motion Graphics Designer, Danny Yount has great stuff to show; These are the 3 concepts for sherlock holmes movie title sequence that he ending up not using it, still worth as inspiration

And this is what he used for the movie title sequence

1 Year Motion Graphics Projects

As my honours project, i have decided to concentrate on motion graphics fields, this year, I'm aiming to make 2 movie title sequences, at the end of the year, those two motion graphics would add to my folio piece, however to be seen in the public, publication through media is needed.
To rundown the 2 projects, 1st project would be a movie title of own choice of existing hollywood movie, and the other one is client-based project where i contacting one of the local moviemaker and propose them the moviemaker to make movie title sequence from their movie.
However, making motion graphics in just sitting on my computer's folder wont do any good. A Flash-based Website would be one of my way to publishing my motion graphics work.